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2021.05.15(六) 休館公告 Temporary Closure

因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎COVID-19(武漢肺炎)」考量,MoNTUE北師美術館即日起暫停開放,後續開放將視疫情調整,請大家關注我們訊息。觀眾與工作人員的健康與安全一向是我們的首要事項,若造成您的不便敬請海涵。   In order to prevent COVID-19, MoNTUE has had temporarily to close its doors to the public. Any updated information will be posted immediately. Please stay tuned to the official website, FB, and IG of the museum. The health and safety of our visitors and staffs are our greatest priority. We do apologise for any inconveniences and thank for your support. 分享