Outlining the centennial cultivation and development of Yōga from the Meiji era to the Showa era The Museum of National Taipei University of Education (MoNTUE) proudly presents Yōga: Modern Western Paintings of Japan, which features nearly one hundred artworks that collectively outline the formation and development of Yōga (Japanese Western-Style Painting) spanning a century from the Meiji era to the Showa era. With Professor LIN Mun-Lee as the producer and Professor SATSUMA Masato from Tokyo University of the Arts as the curator, this rare survey exhibition foregrounds the Japanese art history of modern Western painting, and marks the third collaboration between the MoNTUE and the Tokyo University of the Arts since the MoNTUE's opening exhibition, MoNTUE Special Opening, in 2012 and The Modern Art in Taiwan—Works by Foreign Students in their Youth (1895-1945) held at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2014. The exhibition opens with a painting by Raphaël Collin, a major influence on the development of modern Japanese oil painting, and features artworks spanning the Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods. Visitors can see the paintings of KURODA Seiki, FUJISHIMA Takeji and WADA Eisaku, whose works embody the aesthetics and ideal of pleinairism and the academic school; visitors can also see YOROZU Tetsugoro's Fauvist paintings, other paintings of the Cubist and Surrealist style, as well as the works of ISHIKAWA Kinichiro who laid the foundation of art education in Taiwan. In total, 52 oil paintings and 35 watercolors are on view in the exhibition, together with a unique collection of 6 artists' palette paintings from Kasama Nichido Museum of Art. The ensemble of these masterpieces brings visitors back to the origin of Japanese Western painting and guides all through its historic changes, rendering the exhibition the foremost large-scale and comprehensive presentation of Japanese modern art in Taiwan.