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因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎COVID-19(武漢肺炎)」疫情,MoNTUE北師美術館提醒各位觀眾入館時敬請配戴口罩並保持安全社交距離,館舍備有酒精於入口處供消毒使用。 以上各項措施將視未來情況適時調整更新,若造成您的不便敬請海涵。 MoNTUE has announced latest safety measures against coronavirus. 1. Face coverings are compulsory throughout the entire visit. 2. Please practice social distancing from other people who are not from your group. 3. Please use the sanitiser at the entrance before your visit. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and sincerely thank you for your support. 分享